

smiling woman standing behind a glass door with logo of social media art gallery

Are you an Artist and now ready for the Online Stage? Great, because I can help you to stand out from the online crowd.My name is Anna, I am the Founder of the Social Media Art Gallery. I am also an experienced Online Marketing Manager and I can support you with the right marketing for you […]

Werde Kunstsammler*in: Entdecke limitierte Kunstwerke und starte deine Sammlung

group of women looking at wall of social media artworks

Werde Kunstsammler*in: Entdecke limitierte Kunstwerke und starte deine Sammlung Möchtest du gerne Sammler*in von handsignierten und limitierten Kunstwerken werden? Es ist einfacher als du denkst … Wir blicken auf die vergangenen Jahre zurück. Gefühlt bestanden die letzten vier Jahre nur aus den Schlagwörtern: Coronavirus, Pandemie, Homeoffice, Kurzarbeit, Gesundheit, Sicherheitsabstand und Mund-Nasen-Schutz-Maske. Wir als Galerie und […]

Servus, Munich!

Overview of city Munich with blue sky

CHRISTMAS SHOPPING DELUXE We are delighted to announce our next pop-up gallery event. Enjoy Christmas shopping of our unique artworks in the beautiful city of Munich from December 13 to 15, 2018.

Unique Limited Edition Artworks Available now in our Online-Shop

screens of monitor laptop ipad and mobile phone showing website of social media art gallery

Buy Limited Art in Our Online-Shop You have visited one of our pop-up exhibitions either in Germany, South Africa, the United States or in Sweden, and now you would like to buy an artwork you have liked? No problem – in our Artworks-Shop we offer our limited and hand signed Social Media Art with worldwide […]